Development Congress

Wednesday, 18th July 2007, HEIDELBERG, Germany

Opening of the congress
Werner Schaub, President of International Association of Arts [IAA]/Europa, Chairman Internationale Gesellschaft der Bildenden Künste [igbk], Berlin, Germany
Prof. Dr. Doug Boughton, World Vice President of InSEA, Northern Illinois University, USA
Prof. Dr. Angelika Plank, President of InSEA Europe, Kunstuniversität Linz, Austria

From 9:30am to 10am
Keynote Address 1
Prof. Dr. Rachel Mason, Roehampton-University, London

From 10am to 1pm
Presentations and discussions on:
A - New Forms of art education / art-related didactic/teaching concepts
B - Art education and school development,
B - Art education and university
C - Open-mindedness of schools, out of school art education,
C - museum pedagogy, social aspects of art education
D - Forms of art and media receptiveness
E - Information and communication technologies in art educational
E - processes

From 1pm to 2:30pm
Lunch break

From 1pm to 2:30pm
Conference European Council of InSEA
Chair: Prof. Dr. Angelika Plank, President of InSEA Europe, Kunstuniversität Linz, Austria

From 2:30pm to 3pm
Keynote Address 2
Roger M. Buergel, Director of documenta12, Kassel/Germany, Austria

From 3pm to 5:30pm
Presentations and discussions of the above topics

From 5:30pm to 5:45pm
Coffee break

From 6pm
Art performance Gabriele Oßwald, Wolfgang Sautermeister, Mannheim, Germany

From 7:00pm
Walk (sturdy shoes will be needed!) over the Heidelberger philosopher way to the Heidelberger art association alternative bus-transfer to the Heidelberger art association is possible

From 8:00pm
Evening reception at Heidelberger art association (Heidelberger Kunstverein) Welcome and introduction into the running exhibition by the director Johan Holten

Thursday, 19th July 2007, KARLSRUHE, Germany

Departure congress venue
Bus-transfer Heidelberg > Karlsruhe

From 10am to 10:15am
Prof. Dr. Liesel Hermes, Rector University of Education Karlsruhe

From 10:15am to 10:45am
Keynote-Address 3
Prof. Dr. em. Bazon Brock University Wuppertal, Germany

From 11am to 13pm
Presentations and discussions of the above topics

From 13pm to 2:30pm
Lunch break

From 2:30pm to 3:30pm
Presentations and discussions of the above topics

From 4pm to 6pm
Visit to the Centre for Arts and Media Karlsruhe (ZKM) with guided tours

From 6:15pm to 9:30pm
BBQ at New Mensa

Friday, 20th July 2007, HEIDELBERG, Germany

From 9:30am to 10am
Keynote-Address 4
Prof. Dr. Kerry Freedman, Northern Illinois University, USA

From 10am to 1pm
Presentations and discussions of the above topics

From 1pm to 2:30pm
Lunch break

From 2:30pm to 3pm
Keynote-Address 5
Prof. Dr. Marie-Luise Lange, University Dresden, Germany

From 3pm to 5pm
Presentations and discussions of the above topics

From 5pm to 6pm
Closing discussion and farewell by:
Prof. Dr. Doug Boughton, World Vice President of InSEA, Northern Illinois University, USA and
Prof. Dr. Angelika Plank, President of InSEA Europe, Kunstuniversität Linz, Austria


Congress epilogue
Congress proceedings are published at ATHENA Verlag Oberhausen
Congress photo album

The congress will take place under the Auspices
of German Commission
for UNESCO [DUK], Bonn.

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