Research Congress

Educational Aspects of Art Education
Tuesday, 17th July 2007, HEIDELBERG, Germany

Opening of the congress
Prof. Dr. Michael Austermann, Rector University of Education Heidelberg, Germany
Prof. Dr. Doug Boughton, World Vice President of InSEA, Northern Illinois University, USA
Prof. Dr. Angelika Plank, President of InSEA Europe, Kunstuniversität Linz, Austria

Prof. Dr. Carl-Peter Buschkühle, Justus-Liebig-University, Gießen
Prof. Mario Urlaß, University of Education Heidelberg
Prof. Dr. Joachim Kettel, University of Education Karlsruhe


Congress epilogue
Congress proceedings are published at ATHENA Verlag Oberhausen
Congress photo album

The congress will take place under the Auspices
of German Commission
for UNESCO [DUK], Bonn.